Asus ZenPad S 8.0 vs. Apple iPad takes a look at speed and price comparisons

Asus is at it again. Taking on Apple is no easy feat but clearly Asus is not afraid. In fact the flagship ZenPad S 8.0 (Z580CA) model stands above the competition in a lot of ways. From the official Asus Facebook page, we see some more comparison slides. This time it’s speed and price. I think everyone should have a long hard look at the $299 vs. $499 price comparison. This is staggering and it’s something that Asus can market against anyone including Samsung in the Android tablet space.

We noticed quite clearly from our poll results that surfing the web and using social media is the most common use of a tablet for you. It would appear that testing proves the ZenPad S 8.0 is very snappy when it comes to page loads. Faster for less cost? That’s a winning combination.