Difference between ZenPad S Z580CA vs. Z580C – Specs Comparison

Updated: We have more information about Z Stylus support for the ZenPad S 8.0. See below for details.

Update 2: We have a second article, newer, which looks at the Z580CA vs. Z580C and the differences.

With any deluge of information, there are bound to be issues. We’ve seen websites, even official websites, having details incorrect. We believe there is some misinformation regarding the highly regarded ZenPad S 8.0 and the two models, the Z580CA and Z580C.

So you want to know the difference between the Z580CA and Z580C. Here is the information you want, and it’s the information that has been made official. That isn’t to say there are typo’s or mistakes in the official specs, so if needed, we will update this posting as we move forward. Simply trust us on this one. OK?

First, the Z580CA is the premium of the two. Not by much, but there are differences for sure.

Here is what the Z580CA has that the Z580C does not have:

* This is a biggie, but we need to confirm this information which is why we are listing with an asterisk. It appears that the Z580CA has Z Stylus support but the feature is missing from the official Z580C specs sheet. What makes this especially confusing is that on the Z580CA spec sheet, this is what is shown:

Actice Pen Support

Pardon? Is that supposed to say “Active” and not “Actice”? It makes us question out loud what is going on with Z Stylus support.

Further, the official product page on Asus.com for the Z580C does not show the Z Stylus, however the page for the Z580CA does show the Z Stylus. We are seeking clarification.

Update: We are confident in saying now that Z Stylus support (pen computing) is exclusive to the Z580CA model and not the Z580C model. This is a BIG deal and I would suspect a lot of misinformation with other website (no offense to anyone). Please share this page with others.