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Cheapest price so far for Asus Z Stylus Pen (Z580CA or Z300 Series)

Update: Oct 27, appears to be sold out for now, but you can check the other Z Stylus listing here. We’ve posted previously about an Ebay seller from Taiwan who is selling the Z Stylus. In fact we bought ours from that seller. Turns out they have upped their price, but we have found an […]

Both ZenPad 7.0 tablets on Flipkart India sell out

Update: The black ZenPad 7.0 is now back IN STOCK HERE! Say what you will about the ZenPad 7.0 vs. the ZenPad S 8.0, but the fact is that in about a weeks time, both colors of the ZenPad 7.0 have sold out on Flipkart. Both of these models are essentially fonepads because they have […]

Live in US and want a Z580CA? Hurry! Asus Store USA has in stock!

Update: Oct 6, 10pm ET, Now showing in stock. The reason we say hurry? There must not be many available to buy, but certainly there are some available to buy. I think it’s safe to say this is the only place in the US where you can currently buy the Z580CA-C1 model. The true hero […]

US ZenPad owners, official Asus accessories are coming soon!

Understandably, one of the most common questions we get on the site is about cases and accessories. That would include the TriCover cases and the Z Stylus at the top of the “most wanted” list. Although this isn’t an announcement that they are shipping and available to buy, we do have some news which indicates […]

Want a Z Stylus? Free shipping from Taiwan. Limited stock so hurry! [Updated]

Update: Now showing “more than 10 available” as of December 18. Update 2: We ordered one of these and just received it in the mail. If you decide to order and live in North America, we strongly suggest getting the priority shipping option. It’s worth paying a bit extra to get it sooner, in our […]

Italy gets full line-up including 2 different Z580CA tablets. Pre order now!

If Italy is like the US in terms of the almighty Z580CA with 64GB of storage and 4GB of RAM, then it might be worth looking at pre ordering now while you have a chance. These show a release date of September 11. A few days ago Asus mentioned on their facebook page that the […]